
Do You Want to Control Your Weight? The key hormone to control your weight.


What would you do if you knew the secret to controlling your weight? Having the ideal body size is a thing that eludes many people in our world.  The fight to control unwanted weight is an ongoing battle that is tiring and seemingly never won.  Imagine knowing how to control your weight.  If you knew, [...]

Do You Want to Control Your Weight? The key hormone to control your weight.2019-07-17T21:28:22+00:00

One tip to drop fat and cut inflammation


Wheat is one of the most commonly consumed foods in the western world.  Yet we do not have a collective grasp on how it affects our bodies. Are whole grains really that healthy? The health benefits of whole grains come from the nutrients delivered as well as the fiber.  The problem comes from some very [...]

One tip to drop fat and cut inflammation2019-07-17T22:08:55+00:00

10 habits to create longevity and wellness


We spent this past weekend at a naturopathic conference and had the pleasure of listening to some wonderful speakers, including John Robbins (author of Diet for a New America), Gabor Mate (When The Body Says No), Sat Dharam Kaur (The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer) and Dick Thom, ND, DDS. I was reminded [...]

10 habits to create longevity and wellness2019-07-17T22:10:38+00:00

The Soup to Rebuild From Any Disease


Hippocrates Soup or Potassium Broth or Alkalinizing Broth Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine because of his attempt to use the scientific method to discover what works in medicine.  I want to introduce you to one of his medical cures.  If we could find a meal that was a panacea for the ill, [...]

The Soup to Rebuild From Any Disease2019-07-17T22:12:48+00:00

A Healthier Caffeine Habit that Fights Cancer


For those who are attached to their coffee, we understand.  However, coffee has some downsides.  Coffee is very acidic and can give temporary energy with a bad crash, getting us on a bad cycle of yo-yo energy. For those looking for a healthier alternative, matcha green tea has the caffeine with benefits.  Matcha tea is [...]

A Healthier Caffeine Habit that Fights Cancer2019-08-14T21:27:39+00:00

Boost your energy with a 7 day cleanse!


Join us for a cleanse to start the new year healthy and full of energy. Ever considered doing a cleanse for your health but wanted an expert to walk you through it? Dr. John will guide you through our step-by-step detox program. As we continue into the fall, now is the time to prepare our [...]

Boost your energy with a 7 day cleanse!2019-08-14T21:28:33+00:00
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