Digestive Complaints

How to Break Your Bad Habits: Why you do what you do and how to change


Why do some people not eat the healthy things although they want to lose weight?  Why don’t people exercise even though they know it feels great to do it?  We all have some habits that aren’t consistent with our goals and values.  Understanding why we do it might help us to finally change. Often the [...]

How to Break Your Bad Habits: Why you do what you do and how to change2019-07-17T21:22:30+00:00

One tip to drop fat and cut inflammation


Wheat is one of the most commonly consumed foods in the western world.  Yet we do not have a collective grasp on how it affects our bodies. Are whole grains really that healthy? The health benefits of whole grains come from the nutrients delivered as well as the fiber.  The problem comes from some very [...]

One tip to drop fat and cut inflammation2019-07-17T22:08:55+00:00

Is your Gut causing your Acne? The Gut-Brain cause of Acne


Solve Acne without Dangerous Side Effects How to solve acne without dangerous side effects or re-occurrence has been perplexing dermatologists and patients for years.  Interestingly enough an old theory is proving to show impressive clinical outcomes.  Naturopathic Doctors have been treating acne and its relationship with the digestive tract since the profession began.  Research is [...]

Is your Gut causing your Acne? The Gut-Brain cause of Acne2019-07-17T21:56:46+00:00

Dr. Pidutti’s Green Smoothie Recipe


GREEN SMOOTHIE Soak overnight any combination of the following seeds: approx. 1-2 tablespoons flax seeds (not ground) approx. 1-2 tablespoons Salba, a.k.a. white chia seeds (not ground) Sunflower seeds 1-2 dates to sweeten per serving To soak: Fill a container with your seeds & water, ensure water level is about ¼” higher than your nuts/seeds.  [...]

Dr. Pidutti’s Green Smoothie Recipe2019-07-17T22:09:41+00:00

10 habits to create longevity and wellness


We spent this past weekend at a naturopathic conference and had the pleasure of listening to some wonderful speakers, including John Robbins (author of Diet for a New America), Gabor Mate (When The Body Says No), Sat Dharam Kaur (The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer) and Dick Thom, ND, DDS. I was reminded [...]

10 habits to create longevity and wellness2019-07-17T22:10:38+00:00

Better Remission with Ulcerative Colitis


Research on Tumeric (Curcuma longa) is now proving its many health benefits. Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the colon that is characterized by episodic ulcerations along the colon.  These ulcerations are usually accompanied with bleeding or mucous in the stools, fatigue, pain, diarrhea, joint pain, mouth sores, and more. Ulcerative colitis in [...]

Better Remission with Ulcerative Colitis2019-07-17T22:11:26+00:00

The Soup to Rebuild From Any Disease


Hippocrates Soup or Potassium Broth or Alkalinizing Broth Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine because of his attempt to use the scientific method to discover what works in medicine.  I want to introduce you to one of his medical cures.  If we could find a meal that was a panacea for the ill, [...]

The Soup to Rebuild From Any Disease2019-07-17T22:12:48+00:00

Chronic Infections and Candida That Won’t Go Away? New help with Biofilm Busters.


If you’ve been dealing with some form of candida or other chronic infection, and feel its difficult to keep at bay, there may be new help with biofilm busters.  Candida is the yeast/fungus that always seems to come up as associated with every condition under the sun.  Certainly, it is our experience in our naturopathic [...]

Chronic Infections and Candida That Won’t Go Away? New help with Biofilm Busters.2019-07-17T22:18:08+00:00

Fertility disorder associated with celiac disease


fact or fiction? One recent study showed that celiac disease has a higher prevalence in those with infertility compared to those with normal fertility. This study examined 100 Iranian couples with unexplained infertility and found that 13 infertile subjects (6.5%) had bloodwork that indicated celiac disease, compared to 11 in the control group (2.8%). This [...]

Fertility disorder associated with celiac disease2019-08-14T21:30:18+00:00

Breakfast of Champions


One strategy to prevent childhood obesity. Canadians are in the midst of an epidemic of overweight and obesity, with obesity rates in children tripling in the last 25 years. Approximately 26% of Canadian children ages 2-17 years are currently overweight or obese. There are several studies showing that low GI foods (i.e. foods with a [...]

Breakfast of Champions2019-08-14T21:31:57+00:00
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