Women’s Health

Karen’s Healing Story


Transforming Your Body and Life This will be the first of many healing stories to come from the Springs Eternal office. We hope that these stories will help to inspire and encourage you on your health journey. Karen Jergens was a patient who walked into our office with a long list of complaints. Over time, [...]

Karen’s Healing Story2019-08-14T21:29:50+00:00

Fertility disorder associated with celiac disease


fact or fiction? One recent study showed that celiac disease has a higher prevalence in those with infertility compared to those with normal fertility. This study examined 100 Iranian couples with unexplained infertility and found that 13 infertile subjects (6.5%) had bloodwork that indicated celiac disease, compared to 11 in the control group (2.8%). This [...]

Fertility disorder associated with celiac disease2019-08-14T21:30:18+00:00
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