Applied Kinesiology

Are you getting tingling, burning, and pins and needles that are lasting long after an injury?


Neuropathic pain might be the cause of your chronic persistent pain! The story Jim had a skiing injury several years ago.  The doctors said his injury has had plenty of time to heal but he is still in severe pain.  What is happening?  Why is Jim in so much pain? This story is far too [...]

Are you getting tingling, burning, and pins and needles that are lasting long after an injury?2019-08-14T21:26:51+00:00

Tapping Technique


Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping for short, is something that the doctors at Springs Eternal recommend for many of their patients. “The very basic idea is that we have acupressure points in our bodies that, when tapped, move energy and help facilitate change. I was skeptical. I listened to various so-called experts and I was [...]

Tapping Technique2019-07-18T17:57:51+00:00
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