Health Tips

The best health drink: Golden Milk


My patient told me to look up golden milk because it had helped her with her eczema.  Golden milk is a nice beverage in which to enjoy the widely researched spice, turmeric, for its significant health benefits. I have used turmeric in patients as an anti-inflammatory after surgeries or for joint pain, and have also [...]

The best health drink: Golden Milk2019-06-21T02:42:57+00:00

Help for Your Hormones: Pros and Cons of Hormone Testing


You have been on oral estrogen for menopausal symptoms, but you still don’t feel right.  Despite being on 1 or 2 mg of estradiol, you still have hot flashes, can’t sleep well, and feel anxious.  Or, what if you’ve been on hormones for a long time and are wondering how safe they are? Or, what [...]

Help for Your Hormones: Pros and Cons of Hormone Testing2019-06-21T02:42:31+00:00

The “WOW” Technique


I recently attended an Intensive Training Class on the popular Pain Neutralization Technique in Denver, Colorado.  It was a great experience to be with 100 doctors from around the world learning about newly discovered neurological reflexes.  Dr. Kaufman has discovered neurological reflexes that turn off pain in acute and chronic conditions, giving results that left [...]

The “WOW” Technique2019-06-21T02:42:04+00:00

Heal Your Gut. Help Your Thyroid


Learning more about your thyroid may be daunting, but it can also play a major role when it comes to your gut and liver health. In a recent article by Hannah Bentley called "Hypothyroidsm is All the Rage These Days", she delves into why it is so important to have a healthy, functioning thyroid as [...]

Heal Your Gut. Help Your Thyroid2019-06-21T02:41:47+00:00

Give Your Used Vegetables a Second Life


Food waste seems to be a popular topic these days and there’s good reason. The USDA produced some shocking statistics in 2010, they estimated that there were 430 billion pounds of food product wasted. A fifth of this comes from personal household trash. I don’t know about you but food shopping can be very expensive. [...]

Give Your Used Vegetables a Second Life2019-06-21T02:41:20+00:00

Eat With The Seasons


As we are coming to the end of one very hot season and soon starting a new cooler one, it's hard not to notice the change in the way we eat.  It's tempting to buy certain fruits and vegetables year-round, but by shopping seasonally you will save money, help the environment and everything will taste [...]

Eat With The Seasons2019-06-21T02:41:00+00:00

The Big Plastic Bottle Debate


It's been a hot summer which means we tend to drink more liquids to hydrate our bodies.  You might be one of the few people who consume little to no products from plastic bottles and containers. But if you are like the majority you probably purchase a bottle of water or juice a few times [...]

The Big Plastic Bottle Debate2019-06-21T02:40:38+00:00

The Link Between Inflammation and Anxiety


It seems like almost everyone in today’s society has some form of anxiety or depression, whether it be mild or severe.  Psychology Today has come out with a very interesting article which suggests this could be evolutionary due to our current environment which in turn is causing us to have higher inflammation markers. Our ancestors [...]

The Link Between Inflammation and Anxiety2019-06-21T02:40:15+00:00

Is Corn Hurting Your Health?


With the fall season nearly in full swing and famer’s markets stocked with fresh, ripe corn it’s hard to resist, but with all the GMO awareness today it does make you think twice before buying this delicious dinner side dish.  This is a great article written by Caitlin Shetterly when she discovered that GMO corn [...]

Is Corn Hurting Your Health?2019-06-21T02:39:53+00:00

Why are food allergies on the rise?


There is a lot to be said when it comes to food allergies and sensitivities, but the biggest question seems to be why does everyone seem to have them now? Read this article to find out more on a recent study showing a lack of bacteria in the body might be the cause. Published [...]

Why are food allergies on the rise?2019-06-21T02:39:36+00:00
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