Health Tips

Pain! Good or Bad?


Neither… pain is a messenger. I recently attended a conference on pain modulation. The first question we were asked was this: is pain good or bad? The answer is, neither, it is necessary. Pain is a messenger. Pain is due to an inflammatory response and inflammation is the first step in the healing process. So, [...]

Pain! Good or Bad?2019-06-21T05:13:10+00:00

Chlorella makes Breast Milk Cleaner


Breastfeeding is best for your baby but did you know that breast milk has toxins found in it? You know that breastfeeding is best for you baby but you may not have heard that breastmilk has toxins found in it. Studies done by the EWG (Environmental Working group) entitled ‘Body Burden’, have shown that the [...]

Chlorella makes Breast Milk Cleaner2019-06-21T05:12:51+00:00

Inspiration and Understanding of Depression


Part one of Anthony Robbins’ Six Human Needs seminar series. This video by Anthony Robbins is the first part of Anthony Robbins seminar on 6 human needs. Tony Robbins is a very polished practitioner and helps people awaken to new heights. He does a great job in helping us understand what this person is struggling with in [...]

Inspiration and Understanding of Depression2019-06-21T05:12:33+00:00

I’m Stressed!


7 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Cool Did you know? Several studies have shown up to 50% loss of performance in cognitive tests performed by stress sufferers. Stress contributes to heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, diabetes, and headaches. Stress management has reduced heart attack risk up to 75% in people with heart [...]

I’m Stressed!2019-06-21T05:12:14+00:00

Guide to Hormone Disruptors / Endocrine Disruptors


Guide to Hormone Disruptors / Endocrine Disruptors This information is most relevant to mothers with children, women who are planning pregnancies or are pregnant, women dealing with fibroids, endometriosis or other hormonal disruptions, and men dealing with borderline low sperm quality and quantity.  This is because recognized effects of reproductive toxicants include menstrual irregularities, early [...]

Guide to Hormone Disruptors / Endocrine Disruptors2019-06-21T05:11:09+00:00

Adrenal Fatigue or Adrenal “Burnout” may explain your fatigue


Adrenal “Burnout”, Adrenal Fatigue, Adrenal Insufficiency, and Hypo-Adrenalism all refer to the concept of pushing your adrenal glands too hard for too long.  Living in a heightened survival state will eventually cause them to stop functioning at the capacity they did when they were getting proper rest and recovery. Have you ever done something in [...]

Adrenal Fatigue or Adrenal “Burnout” may explain your fatigue2019-06-21T05:09:27+00:00

An Essential Element Can Improve IQ When Taken During Pregnancy


The developing brain during pregnancy and the first 3 years of life is particularly sensitive to iodine deficiency. According to the WHO, the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation is iodine deficiency. Attending the American Academy of Restorative Medicine conference in San Diego this fall, I was given the opportunity to hear Dr. Flechas, [...]

An Essential Element Can Improve IQ When Taken During Pregnancy2019-06-21T05:09:09+00:00

Move Your Mood: Improve your mood with movement


Exercise is generally known to be good for us, but did you know that it can change your brain neurochemistry and change your mood?  Multiple studies have shown that exercise causes increase in GABA in the hippocampus and increases stress tolerance.  (GABA is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter on the nervous system, i.e. calms over excitable [...]

Move Your Mood: Improve your mood with movement2019-06-21T05:08:04+00:00

Immune Boosters for the Cold and Flu Season


During the fall season patients often ask me what boosts their immune system. However, the answer isn’t to simply boost the immune system but rather to have it signal properly. We don’t want mature cell mediated immune cells to continually be active, as that can lead towards an autoimmune response.  We can, however, try to [...]

Immune Boosters for the Cold and Flu Season2019-06-21T05:07:41+00:00

IBS connected to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines & More


You are at higher risk of the following if you have IBS: People who have IBS have higher rates of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, temporomandibular joint syndrome, pelvic pain, anxiety, and depression than the general public. This does not mean causation but correlation and has been observed consistently in studies for at least the past [...]

IBS connected to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines & More2019-06-21T05:07:16+00:00
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