Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy is a treatment designed to restore optimal neural functioning in the body and thus usually reduces pain. It is based on the knowledge that the nervous system helps to regulate the entire body and any disturbance results in deterioration from health. The therapies restore the regulation of the nervous system and brings optimal health.The following is a good explanation of nueral therapy taken from Dr Klinghardt (one of the early pioneer’s for neural therapy in North America).

“Neural Therapy is a treatment system for chronic pain and illness. It involves the injection of local anesthetics into autonomic ganglia, peripheral nerves, scars, glands, trigger points, and other tissues. It is believed to act through normalizing the illness-related dysfunction of the nervous system. Even though certain Neural Therapy procedures are widely used in the US (regional anesthesia, epidural injections, trigger-point injections), Neural Therapy as a comprehensive healing system is virtually unknown to most practitioners. In Europe’s German speaking countries it has become one of the most widely used modalities in the treatmentof chronic pain and intractable illness.”