Musculoskeletal Pain

Is Your Pain Staying No Matter What You Do? Time to break any pain pattern links.


If you have found yourself experiencing pain that is not going away, it may be due to a pain pattern that is linked or associated with something completley different.  These associations are things you are exposed to in life that are propagating your pain response without your awareness. What is Pain? Pain is a firing [...]

Is Your Pain Staying No Matter What You Do? Time to break any pain pattern links.2019-08-14T21:47:15+00:00

Fascinating Seminar on Pain Relief


Trigger point injection brings amazing results. Last month I attended a seminar on the use of injections to get rid of chronic pain and trigger points. These injection techniques are so powerful that they are being used by top pain management doctors worldwide. Janet Trevell, JFK’s physician, was one of the early pioneers of this [...]

Fascinating Seminar on Pain Relief2019-08-14T21:40:50+00:00

Are you experiencing reduced performance in throwing sports?


Throwing Sports and the Shoulder: How to prevent injury in the shoulder Throwing relies on repetitive movements that require a high level of precision. To prevent injury and create the highest level of performance there must be appropriate biomechanics of the shoulder girdle and the muscles that move it. Precise biomechanics must also take place [...]

Are you experiencing reduced performance in throwing sports?2019-08-14T21:45:38+00:00

Four Exercises to Strengthen the Muscles of Your Rotator Cuff


Great for shoulder injury prevention and recovery. This is a wonderful handout taken from, (American Academy of Family Physicians). I think you will benefit from this greatly and I could not have written it better. Remember that the exercises described on the next two pages, which help strengthen the muscles of your shoulder (especially [...]

Four Exercises to Strengthen the Muscles of Your Rotator Cuff2019-08-14T21:42:31+00:00

5 things that could be the root of your joint and muscle pain


A Naturopathic Doctors systematic approach to relieve pain and cure your pain by treating the whole person. If you experience musculoskeletal pain to the point of needing help you are not alone. 315 million people per year visit a GP’s office with the complaint of musculoskeletal pain. ( J Am Board Fam Pract 2004;17:S32– 42.) [...]

5 things that could be the root of your joint and muscle pain2019-07-17T21:59:19+00:00

Are you getting tingling, burning, and pins and needles that are lasting long after an injury?


Neuropathic pain might be the cause of your chronic persistent pain! The story Jim had a skiing injury several years ago.  The doctors said his injury has had plenty of time to heal but he is still in severe pain.  What is happening?  Why is Jim in so much pain? This story is far too [...]

Are you getting tingling, burning, and pins and needles that are lasting long after an injury?2019-08-14T21:26:51+00:00
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