Your unique strength.

We all sometimes find ourselves bogged down in negativity, quick to point out weaknesses, be it in ourselves or others. Even when it comes to personal development, we often focus on our weaknesses, and how we can improve our shortcomings. How interesting would it be to do the opposite – to point out, and nurture, our strengths. A quote I heard recently and keep thinking about is that every person can do at least one thing better than ten thousand other people. If a friend pointed out your unique strength, that one thing that you do best, wouldn’t you feel great about yourself? What if you could point out another friend’s unique strength? Not only would your friend feel great, but chances are you would as well. I invite you to meditate on this over the next few days: ask yourself what your unique strength is (if you have no idea, ask a friend or family member – they surely could tell you). Then, instead of trying to improve your perceived weaknesses, see if you can focus on your best quality. Try nurturing that strength as you go about your daily life (at work, with family, for yourself, etc.).