We all know that it’s important to step away from our electronic gadgets throughout the day, whether that be your phone, computer, TV, or tablet.  Many studies show that constant use of digital electronics leads to poor posture and problems with our eyesight.

In addition to the health problems these habits are causing, this article delves into the daily interactions we are missing with other people due to our new habits with the digital world. People are less likely to interact and make eye contact because they are generally always looking at their phone screens.  Something so simple as not making eye contact and conversation with your local café barista because we are texting or sending an email to a friend instead of meeting them for a coffee.

Read the full article to see what happens when 35 people are placed in the desert without any electronics.


Here are a few tips to help you start a digital detox:

  1. If you work at a computer all day try taking mini breaks.  You can do this by standing and walking around when on the telephone or writing your notes and to-do lists on paper instead of the computer.  This will give your eyes a much-needed break.
  2. Limit the amount of TV you watch in the evenings and weekends.  Most people have gotten into the habit of leaving the TV on even when they are not watching it.  If there isn’t a particular program you are interested in watching remember to turn the TV off.
  3. Try to switch off all screens at least 1hr before you go to bed.  It takes your brain and body several hours to calm down and get ready for sleep.  Try reading or taking a bath before bed instead of checking social media or watching TV.
  4. Try having one day per week when you are on a complete digital detox.  Weekends are a great time to switch off the TV, Computer, and/or Smartphones for larger periods of time.

Segran, Elizabeth. “What really happens to your brain and body during a digital detox”. www.fastcompany.com. Published on July 30th 2015 from fastcompany.com.