Stress causes the release of cytokines as well as the response to cytokines in the central nervous system to be out of balance. If this happens over an extended period of time it could lead to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been a difficult condition to understand for many doctors as well as patients but that is changing. New insights in the immune system may prove to be why understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been so illusive.
The immune system has many types of mediators that it uses to protect and heal the body. One class of mediators that help in healing the body are cytokines. Cytokines are released by the immune system during infection and inflammation, they are released in just about every health condition but especially in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Cytokines do wonders to help heal, in the right amount, but too much of a good thing becomes a problem.
The side effects of large amounts of cytokines released into the body mimic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Studies done where they inject an infusion of cytokines show the reaction of fatigue, malaise and other flu-like symptoms. The current laboratory capacity to measure cytokines is not very effective and it is difficult to get an accurate picture but some studies have found correlation between excessive cytokine production and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. [1]
Stress has been shown to be one major factor in the overproduction of cytokines in the body. Cytokines are also released in the brain in response to immune triggers and stressors, mental or physical, in the body. Stress causes the release of cytokines as well as the response to cytokines in the central nervous system to be out of balance. If this happens over an extended period of time it could lead to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
How do you fix this if this is happening in you?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is complex and no one factor will change it overnight. In my experience the regulation of the immune system is key in helping people overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We have found some amazing ways to help regulate the immune system so that it does not overproduce or underproduce these immune mediators. We have been working on a protocol for the last 11 yrs. that has allowed our patients to find freedom from the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue and get their normal lives back.
To learn more about our protocol please call our office 604.737.0012.
[1] Encephale. 1994 Nov;20 Spec No 3:597-602.
[Current studies on the neurobiology of chronic fatigue syndrome].
Dantzer R1.